01 February 2011

Village Museum in Winter Clothes


  1. Wow! Yes, clearly their finest attire.

  2. All beautiful! The snow makes everything magical and soft!
    Have a nice night, minu

  3. Hello there Georgiana. Great pictures of some lovely wooden buildings. I love the wooden churches there,,although i have only watched them in magazines. Now I am back and it seems like my PC is alright again. I was very glad to read your comments and words of support. Thank you very much dear friend.
    Have a nice day and enjoy so much. !! =)

  4. Hi Alberto! Thank you very much for your lovely words.
    I'm so happy for you that you've managed to resolve your PC problems.
    I wish you a very nice weekend! Hope to hear from you soon! Cheers!

  5. Da, Georgiana!
    Muzeul Satului este un loc magic cu multa energie pozitiva!Cand ma gandesc la Bucuresti vad un oras gri cu cateva oaze de verde si liniste...Muzeul e unul din astea...
    Frumoase imagini!

  6. Arata superb Muzeul Satului iarna! Felicitari pentru aceste minunate imagini!!!

  7. frumoase fotgrafii...vesmantul albe dau un farmec aparte...
